6. Which function do Route policies on the Ethernet Routing Switch (ERS) perform?
A. Route policies can flush and clear the IP routing table.
B. OSPF redistribute function is used to propagate OSPF routes within a single area.
C. RIP announce policies determine how RIP learned routes are represented in the routing table.
D. BGP redistribute function may be used to advertise OSPF learned routes using BGP.
Answer: D
7. Equal Cost MultiPath (ECMP) provides the ability to load-balance Layer 3 links and also to provide redundancy.When ECMP is enabled, which set of criteria initiates its use?
A. OSPF and RIP have no overlapping network advertisements.
B. OSFP or RIP have learned duplicate routes with the same cost or metric.
C. OSPF and RIP have identical network advertisements with the same cost.
D. OSPF and RIP are used in parallel with network advertisements with different costs.
Answer: B
8. You are configuring a static route on an Ethernet Routing Switch (ERS). Which parameter must you specify? A.an IPaddress for device management purposes B.an interface IP address in the routing table for loop back C.an interface IPaddress of the next-hop router as a destination in the routing table D.an IP address for a network to be listed in therouting table by the network manager You are configuring a static route on an Ethernet Routing Switch (ERS). Whichparameter must you specify?
A. an IP address for device management purposes
B. an interface IP address in the routing table for loop back
C. an interface IP address of the next-hop router as a destination in the routing table
D. an IP address for a network to be listed in the routing table by the network manager
Answer: D
9. An Ethernet Routing Switch is building the routing table using default route precedence values. As it considers routesfrom various sources, which set of criteria does the routing table use to build its information?
A. All sources are considered in a Weighted Round Robin order.
B. RIP routes are considered at a higher precedence value than OSPF.
C. OSPF routes have a lower precedence value than Static routes.
D. BGP routes are always listed first and most important in the IP Routing Table.
Answer: B
10. You are designing a large network and are using Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) for its efficiency with convergencetimes and its amount of traffic control. Which statement describes how OSPF accomplishes this?
A. The metric is dynamic for each link.
B. The metric is independent of the link speed.
C. The metric reflects the link speed.
D. The metric is the same regardless of link speed.
Answer: C
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