Thursday, August 21, 2008

How To Study for a Certification Exam

Generally speaking, what are the best resources to use when studying for your certification exams? This quick guide to study will help you organize your thoughts and decide what resources to use when preparing.

Difficulty: N/A
Time Required: 1 week to several years

Here’s How:

1. Take Advantage of Books
They are relatively cheap, often come with great practice questions, and are specifically geared towards the exams. Pick a study guide and use it as your number one study tool.

2. Visit Certification Forums
Forums are a great way to interact with a community of people who are interested in the same things as you. In this case, certification. You can find out what to expect and ask questions about your topic

3. Take a Training Class
Whether it’s online or in a classroom, training offers a hands-on way to learn the material. Although more costly, if you want a guaranteed way to pass your exams, this is it.

4. Try Online Practice Tests
Some are free and others cost money, but all of them will get you in the test-taking mode. Most online practice exams run from $30 to $100 and provide a solid way to test your knowledge.

5. Check out Chats
Several sites offer chat rooms geared towards helping you with your certifications. Drop by at the appointed time and find out if you are prepared for your exams.

6. Visit Vendor Sites
Finally, visit the vendor’s site. Go directly to,,, etc. Find a link that points to you education or certification to learn everything you want to know about the certification process as well as recommended training and study tools. They often offer exam guides and practice questions free for the taking.

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